As a Yoga teacher, I'm particularly fond of year-round subscriptions. But why? What are the advantages and disadvantages of all these options?
Although I understand that it's all a question of commitment, annual subscriptions are very valuable to me in terms of quality.
Fear of commitment
Annual subscriptions can be frightening because they mean signing up for the whole year. However, the quality of the sessions is increased tenfold because this format allows for progressive, attentive teaching that is more personalised to the class and its needs.
It's also perfect for sticking to your good resolutions, despite the fact that it's OK to skip a few classes during the year due to holidays or unforeseen circumstances.
Yoga teaches us time and time again that regularity is the key to profound transformation. By enrolling for the year, you allow yourself to get into a rhythm.
Once a week, you go to class and let yourself be guided for an hour through the inner exploration offered by the postures and meditation. We make progress and enjoy following a teaching that follows a common thread, allowing us to understand what we're doing, and to take our time.
Not to mention the connections that this makes possible. Pupils who feel it can form friendships, happily meeting up every week and sharing this unique and precious moment.
To conclude this section, year-long subscriptions are more attractive financially for students. For the studios, perhaps less so.
I've got nothing against booklets and credits; many of the places where I teach offer them and I manage to get by. I also think that, as a socially anxious person, I'd rather wait until the last minute to sign up for a course. To tell the truth, it's impossible for me to go to a public class of my own free will because of my anxiety and hypersensitivity. That's why my sessions are so sensitive to kindness and conviviality. In short, it's all about regularity.
It's all a question of regularity; when students come to a place that offers booklets or credits but I see them every week, then the quality is the same as the sessions via annual subscription. I can guide them throughout the year depending on what they are familiar with or not yet familiar with. In that case, I don't see any difference and that's good for everyone.
The problem is when only 1 to 3 people come regularly to the sessions and the rest of the students come every week. It's impossible to adapt the session to follow the students over time because the number of new students is so high. This situation is particularly frustrating for me as a teacher. It's important to me that students who come regularly should be able to progress. But I either have to repeat the basics at every session or just turn a blind eye to them because I don't anyone to feel left out. I manage to do a mix of both.
To finish this hymn to regularity already mentioned in an article, following a teacher on a regular basis means that you can study with a solid foundation, with greater understanding and without confusion. In fact, each teacher proposes a different approach depending on what they have practised and studied.
At the same time, it's a good idea to follow your instincts and enjoy exploring other tools and approaches.

Marie Mazeau, Lifexploratrice, certified full-time Yoga teacher in Paris, specialising in gentle, joyful, educational and meditative sessions online, one-to-one, in associations, companies and studios.