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A Yoga private class

Photo du rédacteur: lifexploratricelifexploratrice

Dernière mise à jour : 19 juil. 2023

Private classes are so precious. It is indescribable how deep the transformation occurs within these special sessions.

Adapted to your rhythm

The sessions are adapted to your rhythm, to what you are going through, disentangling nodes, cleaning the body energetically, connecting to calm.

It is not about pushing you or imposing something, it is offering a practice that supports you, that allows you to connect with yourself and your potential.

Tranforming your daily life

The session have a deep impact in many planes of your daily life : your ability to connect with others, to communicate, to surf through challenges, to manage anxietey, emotions, to instaure more balance within your daily life, to discover new hepful persectives.

Private classes are a safe place were you have the occasion to be welcomed as you are and dive in, to let yourself meet calm and clarity.

The feedback from private students is incredible. It is not in the words but in their very life and new ability to flow through storms and good time that change. Each one having its unique inner light shining more and more and impacting their environment. We touch the subtilities, we use the sessions as a basis to rewind, explore new perspectives, tools and ease.

The potential of regularity

It is an ideal seating to explore yourself and practice self-inquiry tools. As in anything you would like to master it is all about regularity, the more you are regular the more the practice will have a deep impact within your life. It is also interesting to take them time to time aside group classes. There is no one by your side to look at or compare yourself. You are listened and let go within the sacred safe place.

Marie Mazeau, Lifexploratrice, certified full-time Yoga teacher in Paris, specialising in gentle, joyful, educational and meditative sessions online, one-to-one, in associations, companies and studios.

Marie Mazeau studio yoga Lifexploratrice professeure de Yog Paris douceur et méditation

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​© 2021 Lifexploratrice, M.Mazeau SIREN: 898243167

"Le Yoga : une expérience plutôt qu'une performance"

Des séances de Yoga uniques sur Paris : FR/EN

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